
In 2011 I made the move from Atlanta to the desert of Santa Fe, New Mexico where I have undergone profound spiritual growth. However, that experience was only a prelude to the transformational journey I took to Egypt last November. I was privileged to be one of twelve Lightworkers who flew to Cairo for an intensive sacred journey led by Julie Wiley of Spirit and Adventure Tours. My purpose was to further purify my energy fields by downloading, attuning, and aligning with the sacred frequencies and energies still found in the ruins of the ancient Temples and Pyramids.

Months before leaving for my journey, many friends and intuitives began warning me not to go to Egypt because they felt I would not return. A dear psychic friend took me to lunch, and with tears in her eyes, told me to put my house in order for I would not return from Egypt. In the process of releasing my fear and trusting in the Divine guidance of my life, I realized that for me to fully progress on my life journey, my soul needed this work. I called a reliable Sirian Soul sister who channels for further confirmation of my knowing. She told me to use discernment at all times. In particular she suggested that I be extremely careful at Luxor Temple where my primary initiation would take place. She reminded me that as always, I would have freedom of choice. She said I would come back from Egypt a new person having transformed and letting the old die away.

As I made my way through each of the temples we visited, I was intuitively guided to the place for aligning and downloading the right and perfect information into my energy fields. Sometimes holy men in the temple would stand guard at the doorway while I meditated. Without spoken word they knew the work I was doing. Sometimes the holy man of the temple would show me to a more energetic place or guide me to put my hands on a certain wall. Lots of grounding and integration was necessary after each visit. As I connected with my past life experiences in Egypt, I released much pain buried deep in my soul and felt lighter with each experience.

Luxor Temple was one of the twelve sacred temples in which we were to align with the energies and receive the information and transformation we needed. We entered Luxor Temple at night to do group ceremony and afterward to connect individually with the energies, since each of us had different work to do. I stepped away to touch a wall and started feeling waves of nausea with dry heaves to follow. A feeling of disconnection to reality occurred – as if I were in a walking dream. My friend Faith observed me and got help to take me outside. Soon my breathing decreased and was shallow. Faith placed her hands under my ribcage, forced me to breathe and continuously spoke to me, guiding me to stay conscious in the moment. I began screaming “I want to leave, to go home and leave this painful life. I was never told it would be this hard and this painful. I have had enough.” Faith spoke to me, assuring me that I could not leave and life would be easier after this as I would be able to manifest in higher frequencies. I would be given more support than I could imagine. I heard myself asking for a partnership to assist in my mission on the planet. I asked that this partner appear to me soon, stand in front of me and let me know him.

On the fifteenth day of our sacred journey we flew back to Cairo. Our bus became stuck in slow moving traffic as we drove to our hotel near the Pyramids. I sat in my seat and contemplated the view of the three Pyramids. I had passed all the initiations and was now energetically opening the ancient seven seals of the Pyramids to get the powerful energetic download of my life. When we arrived at the hotel I was incoherent and was taken to my room where Faith again rescued me with her Reconnective Therapy, assisting my integration of massive amounts of high frequency energies.

Today I feel a deep peace with the ability to step into my highest good in each moment. I feel thankful and joyful. Life is Good! Yes, my Divine partner has arrived.

On September 19 I will return to Egypt with Julie and her tour once more to continue the growth of my soul.

By Cindy Bentley RN

Energy Practitioner


  1. Start everyday opening your eyes to a feeling of joyous expectation of magical manifestations beyond the concepts of your limited mind. Feed your energies with higher frequency thoughts to mold your day. Allow yourself to step into your higher mind consciousness. Reject lower mind consciousness; this is your free will choice to be anchored in higher consciousness. Learn to identify the difference.
  2. Honor the Truth of your soul daily by spending time alone in silence learning to listen to the soul as it speaks to you. Start by feeling the soul; asking the questions, “How Good Does This Feel Soul?” “What should we do to feed you today?” Think of that soul as the biggest most powerful part of who you are. The awareness of Living in joy, is living from soul.
  3. Know that your soul & human self are on a journey of remembering your power. Accept that you have different unique gifts that only you can give the world, no 2 souls are the same. Love you & all your differences. Talk love to self & how much you love that you have this gift to share!!
  4. What are your intentions for your life, for your week, for your day, for this moment??What motivates you? Your highest desire in each moment determines your level of manifestation. At this moment in time, the manifestation process has never been faster. You are the controller; write it out, read it, change it, make it happen.
  5. Be honest with yourself, loving yourself first & never feel you are sacrificing anything for anybody. Remember you are always at choice in every moment & only you have power over you. Connect with the energies that feel good. You may need to release relationships that do not feel good. Release food that is not nourishing you & you may need to release places, work, & expectations of yourself & others. As the Beatles say “Just Let It Be.”
  6. If fearful thoughts arise at any moment, release & affirm” Divine Order operates with Grace & Ease in my life” The mind only wants to keep us safe with its limited awareness.
  7. We are Divine Powerful Beings navigating our way through this lifetime from the knowledge of our heart & soul. Our mind cannot conceive the Magical powers that are ours to create with Divine alignment within. Tell yourself you are experiencing a magical life. Have expectations that Divine Magic is operating every day in every moment & then be grateful for the magic.
  8. There is no permanence here, only change. In each moment you must decide how you will be, what you will be or who you will become. How you meet this moment is formed from your level of self-awareness.
  9. With acceptance of self comes more compassion for others. As we ascend to higher frequencies, we attract only what resonates with us. This is 5D living.


By Cindy Bentley 3/23/2017

Have you heard of the predictions for 12/12/2012 and the Mayan and Hopi Indian predictions? The Hopi Indians say now is the time when we learn that WE ARE the ONES we have been waiting for. I believe we are entering the Aquarian Age for Planet Earth. Many of us have been reincarnating here 100,000 and thousands of years on this planet; our souls having originated from other solar systems or planets to come and seed Planet Earth. Now is the time that each of us as Light Workers have been waiting for all these thousands of years.

We are evolving into conscious beings of Love and Light who are great Creators. Because of genetic engineering and manipulation by many hundreds of thousands years ago, we lost our conscious connection to the God/Goddess within, and our DNA was manipulated to be fear-based. About 300,000 years ago, our DNA was disassembled; it was split apart unplugged in order to broadcast only within a limited frequency. The original DNA was left within the human cells, yet it is not functional. Human cells have light-encoded filaments that carry information and light connecting us to our Divine Creator. Now is the time for the healing of our DNA to connect to the powerful energies that are here to change our world by changing our consciousness.

Those who open themselves up to more light and love are literally having their cells and bodies rearranged. This rearrangement of the body is the restructuring of the DNA. Scientists call about 98% of our DNA “Junk DNA” because they are dormant and have no known purpose. Now the dormant parts of our DNA are being repaired and activated to their original Divine function and purpose. Gregg Braden, scientist and author, wrote a book about this called The God Code. He explained that our DNA carried a sacred code. Now our 12 strands of DNA can be healed for us to be the original Magnificent 5th dimensional Spiritual Beings we were meant to be.

We become beings of light and love, walking on the earth filled with the Christ Energy. We learn to manifest with our intentions. We are going through these changes at different times, and we must help one another with these changes. With the healing of our DNA, ultimately, we should experience greater states of awareness. When we look outside ourselves, we have taken the focus away from connection to our divine soul. Living from our divine soul connection is different from living from our brains and mental reasoning.

By simply following what feels good and right to us, places us in alignment with our evolutionary process. Through acceptance and knowing that all is in divine order, we create more of an opening for the higher energies to move through us. The more we practice acceptance, surrender, and allowing, the easier it gets to move forward. The work is always internal, as Christ said, “Know thy self.”

This is both an exciting and trying time in the planetary ascension process. Consciousness must evolve ever more quickly. Every day brings more opportunities for becoming more awake and in love with spirit, as well as more opportunities for confusion and limitation. We are completely at choice about what we make “real” in our life. Every decision we make affects the ascension process, as do everyone else’s. We are here to co-create Heaven on Earth.

Quotes from the channel book, What is Lightbody?, from Archangel Ariel:

  1. Choose to see the pure Soul within all beings, even though they might not see it within themselves.
  2. Choose to honor the sovereign reality of all beings, even though their words or actions may hurt you.
  3. Choose to transform through ecstasy and grace, even though drama and trauma may seem more natural to you.
  4. Choose to live in this miraculous Now moment, even though nostalgia, regrets, and fear may entice you to not be Present.
  5. Choose to be a blessing to the World and All Life, even though circumstances may encourage you to harden your heart.
  6. Choose to love others, even though it may seem naïve.
  7. Choose to love God with all your being, and know that this is all that is really required.
  8. Choose to live in Heaven.

We are here as light workers or as the Pleiadians call “The Family of Light” changing the frequency, holding, keeping, and maintaining a certain frequency or vibration that is the sum total of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. As we live our vibration, we affect everyone and every place we go. Millions have incarnated at this time and are on assignment to bring the change in frequency, to assist in the rebundling of our DNA that will evolve from 2 strands to 12 strands, as we were originally created as Magnificent Powerful Beings of Light. We will learn to become conscious creators. The entire universe will rearrange itself to accommodate our pictures of reality. As we hold these higher frequencies or vibrations, we will bring information to change our world and heal our planet. We look around us in the media and see how our old system is being broken down to create and rebuild LIGHT.

Metaphysics and healing have been my passion, as long as I can remember. I have learned that I am a Lightworker whose mission is to help heal and activate our DNA. I first learned of DNA healing after reading The Power of Twelve by Ann Brewer. I completed apprenticeship training at The Temple of Truth, in May 2003, for Clearing and Blueprint Repatterning. I often refer to myself as a spiritual cleaner who removes the dark clutter that blocks us from receiving and holding Divine Light. My work helps to speed up the process of reconnection and healing of the DNA. With the Divine Creator, Ascended Masters, and Archangels, I work to remove negative energies throughout our bodies, in all our energy fields.

Namaste’ Cindy Bentley

The summer of 2009 was a time of great transformation for me, caused by even greater transformative energies infusing our planet. I experienced dreams and illusions in the middle of my waking day, as well as vivid night dreams, and I consciously focused to stay grounded in each moment. I found relief by connecting to my heart and trusting that God only wants the very best for me in every moment.

I took three trips during this transformative time. My desire during these travels was to find comfort in nature, connect with Mother Gaia, and discover aspects of my Divine Creator. One especially important trip led me to a quiet beach in late September where each morning I rose early and ran to the ocean to admire the rising of the sun. What holy moments I felt deep within my being as I breathed in the morning ocean mist! Standing on the beach, I watched the breaking waves and welcomed the rising of the sun and all its magnificent glory. During breath-taking moments of greeting the perfect colors of the morning sky, I talked with God. Like some spoiled child, I cried out, “Show me more of you.” He listened. During the days that followed, He answered with Divine precision.

The next day I walked down to the beach to see the afternoon sun. I crossed along the wooden walkway in the middle of the sea oats and looked through the oats to see hundreds and thousands of migrating Monarch Butterflies headed straight for me. I smiled and asked myself, “How painful would it be if they collided with me?” Firmly standing my ground, I opened out my arms and allowed thousands of the delicate little creatures to flutter over and around me. Several of them used me as a rest stop. The beauty of their divine beingness engulfed every cell of my body as tears of joy and wonder fell down my cheeks. I said, “Thank You.”

Dolphins have always been important to me. Even as a small child, I loved them. Whenever visiting a beach, I would always sit and watch for dolphins. On the last morning of my trip, I walked along the edge of the beach at sunrise. As I looked across the water, I saw dolphins surfacing, coming up for air as they swam through the ocean. I opened my heart to them, sending love and appreciation for the work they do for our planet.

As I preceded the mile and a half back along the water’s edge, one lone dolphin swam with me as I walked. She stayed as close to the edge as she could and when I stopped to send her love, she stopped and rose as if to greet me. In that moment I experienced a strong feeling of remembrance, and it was if I knew her. We continued down the beach together in silent communication. I would pause to send her love and feel her spirit and as she looked at me, I acknowledged our oneness. As I neared the path for home, I did not want to leave her. I stopped to let her swim away without me and prayed for her safety, telling her I would be back and thinking, Oh, what a marvelous creature you are! Thanking Mother Gaia and my Divine Creator again for showing me more.

I continue to experience more Magic and awe every day, as I trust and allow the process of Divine transformation to take place. The light and joy within me increase, and I share these with others. The advice I often give to my clients is to try and stay out of your head and listen to your heart. When I say these words, I am speaking to myself as well, as I continue to heal and stay conscious of Divine Synchronicity in my life.

Namaste’ Cindy Bentley
One in a series of My Walks With God

What a wonderful time to be on the planet and experience this time of change from the 3rd dimension of density into the 5th dimension of Heaven on Earth. This is the dimension of pure love and joy that helps develop the state of oneness. For those Lightworkers searching for the answers to what is going on, now is the time to explore the many books and web sites with information about the date 2012 and the many changing energies permeating earth.

Veils between dimensions have become thinner, allowing us to more easily access who we truly are. Now is the time to tune into your soul, to listen, and pay attention to what your soul has to say. Thomas Moore wrote a book called Care of the Soul, and he says, “The mind thinks, the body acts, and the soul imagines.” The soul imagines love and joy and with conscious connection increases creativity. Listen for a message from the soul about your particular purpose on the planet, during these times of change.

I learn to listen when my soul speaks to me. My soul only wants the best for me, and by listening to her guidance, I have found peak moments of joy that I might have missed otherwise. Recently, I listen to my soul as she told me to release a job of thirty-two years and step into my soul purpose. My head tried to take over and rule me with doubt and fear. Thoughts of health insurance, bad economical times, and security issues almost overwhelmed me. I thought it all, but my soul was stronger.

I took a deep breath and welcomed my authentic self. My mind had never really given me those awesome moments of Love and Bliss, but boy my soul has! My soul knew that now was the time that I had trained for all my life. This work I do allows the love of Divine Creator to flow through me to connect with another, in assisting them to become all that they were created to be.

Are you ready to listen to your soul? Here are some suggestions to assist you in listening when your soul is calling.

  1. Learn to love who you are and notice what you LOVE to do.
  2. Discover what gives your soul great joy and trust this feeling.
  3. Take time to sit in the silence and let your soul imagine, and then write it down.

I am so thankful I paid attention and listen to what my soul had to say. My practice and my joy continue to grow each week. Only my soul could have guided me to this place of Heaven on Earth.

Namaste’ Cindy Bentley

As we learn to master the 3rd and 4th dimensions; we step into the 5th dimension of love that sustains our divine energies. Heaven on earth in the 5th dimension is finding and exploring all the pieces of love that make us whole. This is the full understanding of love that we long for with all our being.

We human beings are starting to learn and recognize the potential for great growth in our consciousness by connecting to all the aspects of the LOVE energy flowing from our hearts. The more Love energy we access, the more conscious we are of our old belief systems. No longer do we find the need to use judgment, duality, or fear to love. We can now start to understand deeper aspects of love of self and help show the way for others. With this bigger deeper love, we are changing ourselves and the world around us; further opening our hearts and stepping forward on the path to higher frequencies of Divine Love.

As we journey through this reincarnation cycle, many are feeling pulled to meet up with their “soulmates” and others whom we have contracted with over many lifetimes. This sense of urgency at this time comes from our desire to discover those who are here to assist our soul growth, as we are here to assist theirs, so that we can step into our true divinity. There are many synchronicities that must line up to connect you with this partner you are longing for.

Here are some questions to ponder:

Have you met a person who feels unusually familiar to you? Are you finding yourself in conversations with another that opened your heart in ways that you never experienced before? You will feel drawn to discover the person who will share your feelings of love and service within your daily life.

How ready are you to have a partnership? Do you still have negative baggage to clear and surrender for healing? You will only be as good for your partner as you are good for yourself. Do you feel totally worthy to have your beloved show up in your life? Are you at a point where you can speak your truth?

Has your heart opened up to people of all walks of life and recognized the truth of their being? Have you found a personal support group who brings you joy, and it is not your birth family? Have you shared your gifts of service that bring more love into this world? Your work is to continue to keep opening up your heart, so that you may step forward on the pathway of ascension into Divine Love Energy.

Have you surrendered to Divine Order? The Divine Creator only wants the highest and best for you at all times. Can you trust that the person who is here to share your life is already available to you? Can you allow the Divine Creator to work it out, no matter what the appearance looks like? Know that the feeling of complete love and partnership is absolutely yours to claim at any time.

Namaste’ Cindy Bentley

By Cindy Bentley

Jimi Hendrix said,” When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.

Luke17:21 Jesus Teachings, “Neither shall they say lo here or lo there for behold the Kingdom of God is within you.”


Everlasting joy, happiness & love all come from unconditionally loving yourself. Self Love begins with honoring who we are as a Divine Spiritual Being. Unconditional love is the ability to accept, respect, & care for yourself without any reservations or limitations attached to that love. Unconditional love is about having an abundance of love for yourself which radiates out from you attracting more love into your life like a magnet. There are no boundaries or limits on love that is unconditional. Loneliness is the energy that you move to when you are unable to love yourself unconditionally. Any feelings of a broken heart, loss, suffering, pain, rejection, disappointment all have a purpose and that is to direct us back to loving yourself more. It is asking you to love yourself with greater expansion by acknowledging that your love fulfills your soul & all of your being.  Love is Unity with our Creator, our God. Unconditional self love equals acceptance & experiencing the love of God. All of our experiences & situations help us to grow our love of self and with that we are showing others how to love. “You can’t give love to someone else without knowing how to give yourself love first.”


Giving unconditional love first comes as a conscious decision until it becomes a natural response to others negativity. With your over flowing unconditional love other people cannot affect your level of happiness. Radiating this powerful energy from your heart activates the law of attraction to return back to you greater love & abundance in turn enhancing the love that you hold within yourself.

If someone does not respond to you with love; you must say to yourself I love this person no matter what they say or do. The negative energies cannot be held in you as at the same time as love. Continue to love them, ask for help from your angels, from God or your higher self

We step away and let go of the false believes that we are anything less than divine. This requires an effort because of the 3D world we were born into that has taught us illusions of judgment, fear, lack, and duality that keep us in a lower Vibrational frequency. Love holds a much higher Vibrational frequency. The world was teaching us that we were less than the powerful beings that we truly are. We each sot to be loved and understood, to be admired, to be part of a group and find ways to connect with others with the same believes. So we learned to detach from the truth of our soul. We found distractions to allow us to be unconscious or truly feel our divinity; so we could ignore our divine powers.

Once you hold this unconditional loving of self from your heart chakra then you can give unconditionally from your heart & you get back an abundant love from the unlimited supply of our Creator. This spark in your heart chakra of self love opens up your soul pathway. It ignites the passions of your soul and helps your life to become crystal clear.

Once we learn to live to truly love ourselves and live in the bliss of our soul then living any other way is unacceptable. We are now being divinely supported to live the truth of our soul as we awaken from the dreams of illusions. We are powerful Divine beings co-creating with God.

Being different, finding and living the truth of our soul sometimes caused us to stand out from our peers and family members. Self love overcomes this pain of feeling different.  We may have been criticized, ostracized and made fun of for our differences. Some stood strong in their beliefs and others would bend to fit in wanting desperately to be loved, accepted and understood.  Some of us married into new families thinking now “I will have a family who loves and understands me;” only to feel the torture of again being an outsider.

Our planet earth soul school, got out of hand and it became the hardest place in the universe for the souls to exist. So much FEAR plagued the planet by the manipulation and control of others. Power hungry lesser evolved souls took over, even to the point of manipulating our DNA to be less connected to source and cause us to forget our powers as Divine Soul Beings. We are coming back all the galaxies are observing us, cheering us on, seeing support and our central sun keeps pouring solar flares to the planet to support our new energies & push out from our energies bodies that which we called fear and pain.


There are still others who are not only plagued with this life but are sensitive to pastlife issues that are buried deep within their soul.  You start to remember the past, even your past lives. Maybe you will remember 13,000 years ago in Atlantis our relationship. I started remembering the feelings first. This soul evolution is such a master illusion that we put ourselves through, but the feelings are real. The feelings are what causes the soul to grow & connect with all that is. The soul never forgets; it is the consciousness of our soul that we desire to access. People have fears and emotions they deal with daily while still navigating their life in a 3D world. Delores Cannon was a great healer with pastlife regression hypnotherapy as she brought to the surface soul memories of old pain that needed to be healed.


Your power is amplified and you flourish when you allow & surrender to Divine Order. Get out of your soul’s way by honoring the knowledge of your heart & soul; of what feels in alignment with who you are. Let go of the distractions in your life to give time to being, identifying your feelings & listening to your heart and soul. Gather information from your soul feeling and follow through with allowing actions in your life that demonstrate you are in alignment. Never force anything, just allow the Best to arrive with the knowing of your soul. The ego does not want to let go and will work inside your head with negative thoughts to make you resist & struggle against just allowing. Be observant when your head tries to take over.

Be observant of your thoughts & actions especially when negative emotions pop up. When negative feelings arrive, this is your opportunity to heal something deep inside; a hurt or pain that is not in alignment with your Divinity.


As you are more observant of what has caused these negative feelings, then you will have less challenging situations to experience because you have healed that illusion of pain inside of you. As you heal the heart chakra is filled to capacity with love and vibrates at a higher frequency Divine love. You look around to that find as you change the world around you is changes to support your higher Vibrational living. Synchronicities for your highest good take place and you move forward with joy and gratitude through each day. The false emotions appearing real are gone. For you have confidence that all is in Divine order for your highest good.


There is so much simplicity in loving yourself unconditionally, but our mind wants to tell us that it doesn’t seem hard enough to give such a worthy reward. Your mind wants to tell you that this is too easy, and that you should struggle to love yourself. Yet we are already worthy, it is about remembering our worth.

In our new life and new world everything not connected to truth, joy, peace and love will be gone.


Meditation: Opening Path to Our Soul

By Cindy Bentley


Let us now set our intentions to heal and open up to true self love.

Find a comfort position with feet on the floor, palms open, focus on your breath as you breathe into your heart and soul.


Now see yourself surrounded by deeply loving Angels & simply breathe in & breathe out while you concentrate on your heart Chakra. Feel the love flowing with your breath; as if your heart becomes your lungs absorbing the love that is flowing with each breathe. Feel your heart chakra expanding to hold more love flowing from your soul & from our Creator.

Feel the Joy & love flood your being when you are connected to your heart & soul. Now give yourself high frequency love. Allow the love of self to flow with joy & ease.

Continue to feel deep into your Heart Chakra it is now safe to let go & transmute all unneeded energies, all illusions of pain, all fears of lack & all that would block your self love. Know with all of your being that you are worthy of attaining your highest soul destiny. You send Love to your soul, knowing that this is the truth of who you are.

We now open a channel of Divine love between your mind & your heart. All illusions are now removed between the connection of your heart & mind. The mind steps back and allows the heart & soul to take over leading & guiding your every thought with Divine Love. You know that your Heart & soul are the truth of who you are.

Breathe into the center of your being, breathe into the center of you, and breathe into your solar plexus into core essence. See the crystalline light at the core of your being and know this is the truth of who you are. This is the truth you are a Divine crystalline light of Divine love.

While connecting to the light of your crystalline core, you now allow that powerful divine light to push out or transmute all blockages of your Divine Soul Pathway. Bring the future attainment of your highest soul destiny into this now moment.

Feel it, sense it, see it, be it now, know that you will live it now as it manifest straight from your soul with grace and ease.

Ask to receive the feelings, emotions & the knowing imprinted into your cellular memory. Breathe, Give gratitude for these feelings of reaching your highest soul destiny. Now connect into your soul that never forgets Re-Member your Divine Glory. I am now fully connected to the guidance of my soul at all times.

It is now safe for my higher self to merge into my core essence. With my higher self present it is easy for me to manifest the map of my soul.

I now allow Archangel Metatron to align my soul with crystalline purification for my highest Good.

With complete ease in every present moment I now see, I now listen, I now acknowledge, I now accept, I now sense the truth, divine guidance and presence of my heart chakra.

I am now allowing my heart chakra to connect to my Divine Soul Path and manifesting this path in every moment. I am the Light shining the way on my path.

I am thankful for actualizing the wholeness of  the divine me.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you


Affirmations to Increase Self Love

All human behavior is one of two things either love or a call for love.

Drop the mind and the Divine will merge.


  1. “Today I easily & effortlessly expand my capacity to be love, to give love, & to accept love.
  2. I let go of the illusion of struggle and step into the Divine flow of my life with joy and gratitude.
  3. “I let my heart chakra expand easily & the love of the Creator to flow through me today.”
  4. Write & say 15 things you love about yourself.
  5. In this situation how can I love myself more?”
  6. “What action can I take to express my love to myself?”
  7. “What does it feel like to truly love me?”
  8.  I am flowing Divine Love.
  9. Love is my truth and I honor my truth
  10. I am healed by my love & all situations are healed with love.
  11. Love sustains & fulfils me.
  12. In my heart I am infinite love connecting with my Creator!!!
  13. My Soul Already knows its Mission or Calling. My Heart Already Craves it’s calling. My life will reflect it.
  14. I have expansive Clarity, energetic, focused and ready for each moment.
  15. What does my soul crave? My soul craves Joy!!
  16. It is so wonderful for me when I _______________????
  17. I am standing on the edge of something wonderful. I step forward in full trust of it’s manifestation as I surrender to my soul & Divine Order.
  18. I know that I am a sacred energetic being of the creator’s high vibration; therefore I create the world around me.
  19. I see the perfection in everything and in me.
  20. I trust that Divine Order is guiding my life.
  21. I feel safe when living from my heart.
  22. All blocks are removed from the truth of my soul. I now choose to feel see and acknowledge the strength, clarity & truth of my heart & soul.
  23. Cindy’s secret I put a picture of what I want as my screen safer on computer & phone and I feel happy seeing this.
  24.  I exist in a sanctuary of love.

We are moving from karma living into creative living. Our greatest challenge is realizing what we want to create. We are learning how to live in our creations.

  1. No sacrificing self with should & have to; you make clear choices with your life.
  2. Trust that you are living in Divine Order & let go of the appearances. This keeps your Vibration Up, knowing you are cared for.
  3. Holding high Joy from your soul increases your manifestations abilities
  4. Let go of all negative attachments of people with lower energies who are stealing your energy.
  5. The most important part of living is staying connected to your heart & soul.
  6. Let go & release distractions that are blocking you from sitting in the silence to hear & know the voice of your soul. These are TV, people, old stories, struggles and anything that distracts you from being still.
  7. Enjoy the feeling of just being connected to source & ask to connect to your higher self. Allow your Higher self to merge, feel your Divine self.
  8. Know that the best that can be will happen to you no matter what.
  9. Take time to dream your hearts desires without connecting or blocking with your mind that cause limitations or reservations.
  10. Connect to your expansive soul with all of its knowledge from all past lives.
  11. Your soul has knowledge from all past lives and never forgets. This knowledge was aquired for you to use in this lifetime, so connect & listen.
  12. Love yourself enough not to allow pain or hurt to control you.
  13. Your soul is joyful, trust this joyful all knowing soul that only wants your Highest & best. Step away from 3Dillusions of fear, lack or judgments.
  14. Connect to your Heart chakra it is strong & has clarity.